Skull A
Skull A
Skull A
Skull A
Sku 9437728899414
Weight 180 g
Size 200 x 170 x 110mm
Colour Natural
Materials Hand Finished
Polyactic Acid

Skull A

Vendor: Extinct Era

£34.00 ea. £65.00

This highly detailed human skull captures the intricate structure and realism of the human cranium. Perfect for educational use, artistic reference, or unique décor, it adds a fascinating touch to any space.

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Tally Ho Designs

How we bring our ideas to life!

DALL·E 2025-01-19 19.55.43 - A black-and-white sketch of an artisan sitting at a wooden desk, sketching the design of a deer head for a bottle stopper on paper. Reference photos a.webp__PID:539f1521-998c-4f2b-a973-4caf353bc7751

Start with an idea!

Specialising in ornate bottle stoppers and statues the artisans at Tally Ho strive for perfection when it comes to new and innovative design and manufacturing techniques but it all starts with a simple idea!

DALL·E 2025-01-19 19.55.49 - A black-and-white sketch of an artisan beginning to carve the deer head for a bottle stopper from a block of wood or metal. The artisan uses basic car.webp__PID:4caf353b-c775-49cd-ae91-3e0871347dee2

Bring it to life

We sculpt 100's of ideas every month refining and perfecting the design until ready to move onto the finishing stage for further refinement, our skilled crafters work tirelessly to create something truly magical.

DALL·E 2025-01-19 19.55.51 - A black-and-white sketch of an artisan meticulously carving intricate details on the deer head for a bottle stopper, such as antlers and facial featur.webp__PID:f6d23beb-ebc4-4c94-a724-0993ff66d1cd3

Refining touches

After a working sculpt has been presented our artists get to work refining the raw sculpt meticulously adding in subtle yet beautiful touches to bring out the very best in the design,

DALL·E 2025-01-19 20.12.56 - A black-and-white sketch of the artisan holding a small deer head bottle stopper, showcasing a chrome, cone-shaped base with rubber rings near the top.webp__PID:c3cefa1b-734d-42e2-bd17-43793e58751a4

Surface Finishing

To finish the item completely our skilled craftsmen add a tried and tested finish to the items, unique to Tally Ho and never replicated, giving each piece a classical yet functional appeal

DALL·E 2025-01-19 19.57.49 - A black-and-white sketch of the finished bottle stopper with a polished deer head top securely inserted into a bottle of wine. The bottle is placed on.webp__PID:ff66d1cd-5727-41ea-8811-408557424a865

Finished Product

We employ a number of different techniques to produce the finished design en masse once signed off, from plaster of paris to, resin forming, no 2 items are truly the same but each is just a beautiful as the last

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